Sunday, October 30, 2011

It"s A Start

Well, here it is, 3:20 a.m., and all I can do is think of ways to save money. Not that we are struggling at the moment, but I know that in a few months it may be that way...again.
My son and I just moved back to Idaho earlier this month from Indiana, and I will admit that it was hard making ends meet there. I am a disabled, very seperated, single mother and for the past few years, we basically lived on the border of being dirt poor. Child support....what's that? Good luck with getting my soon-to-be ex to step up and take care of that. So, I have done without many things...clothes, necessities, make sure that my son had what he needs and to provide a few of his wants. I am so blessed to have a child that accepts that sometimes we have to make do with what we have. I'm sure he doesn't like hearing that as much as I hate having to say it...but it is what it is.
I have utilized resources, such as Freecycle and the internet (I just love!), as well as our local library, to learn as much as I could on becoming more frugal. During my studying, I have discovered that I truly love to save money. I have never been a "Hey, let's go to the mall!" kind of gal anyway, so saving money is a little easier for me.
Now, since we have returned to the state we both love, and the friends that we consider our true family, we are happier than we have been in so long. And that, to me, means more than you can imagine.
We had to sacrifice nearly all of our belongings to move here, but it has been worth it. It is all just material belongings, replacable. But our happiness and well-being rates much higher than any of that other stuff possibly can.
My goal for us is going to be challenging, at the least. We are currently roomies with dear friends, but I hope for us to have enough money saved up by Spring to start actively searching for a home of our own. I would love to find a small fixer-upper to rent, possibly do a contract for deed, and have a yard just big enough for my son to play without trampling my dream garden.
So, that is where this blog will the first steps to starting over here in Idaho and working toward our own self-sufficiency. It will be wonderful to take you along on our journey!

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